
In no particular order,

Here's a charcuterie board of the things I've been involved in, or am currently working on.

Starting Screen for Fishing With the Homies

Fishing With the Homies:
My senior capstone project, a first-person, story-based fishing game.
Meet other local fishers, complete objectives, and face off against the mafia in this horror-comedy experience.
Release: Q2-Q3 2022

Cover for Romancing SaGa Zine

A Permissable Act of Selfishness: Falling In Love Again With RPGs Through Romancing SaGa-
During the pandemic, I got into the SaGa series from Square Enix, after years of RPG burnout.
Genuinely one of the most wildly-designed game series I had played, it completely revitalized my interest in the genre.
So, this zine is about my personal experiences with it, analysis of its unique design aspects, and why they're worth playing.

Start Screen for My Own Private Lospass

My Own Private Lospass: A Game-As-Essay About Flower, Sun and Rain-
Back when I was in high school, I was going through an emotional low point, and ended up going on a school trip to Hawaii.
Playing a game like Flower, Sun and Rain, which is basically an extended identity crisis on a island resort, was an interesting time.
So, this is a game-as-essay about that, in a vein similar to Madotsuki's Closet.

Promo poster for my zine piece

GHM Zine Vol 2: Mrs. Hachisuka's Report-
For the Grasshopper Manufacture Zine, I wrote a short story from the perspective of the wife of Mayor Hachisuka from The Silver Case.
due to being a character with no presence in the games, I was able to craft someone who could fit well into the setting. Art done by @Arcade_Test.